Thursday, October 29, 2009
Early Day Motion
Dobbin, Jim
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Letter to A Grosskurth, Dept. of Health
All Party Political Group on Involuntary Tranquilliser Addiction
Dear Ms. Grosskurth,
I understand that you are conducting a Department of Health policy review on addiction to prescription drugs. A large part of this problem is Involuntary tranquilliser addiction. I am chair of the APPG on Involuntary Tranquiliser Addiction, which was set up specifically to deal with this problem. We are campaigning, amongst other things ,for specialized tranquilliser withdrawal clinics and services designed to give involuntary tranquilliser addicts the opportunity to become drug free.
I would be very grateful if you would meet with me to discuss this issue. My diary secretary will be able to offer you some dates so that we can arrange a mutually convenient appointment. The telephone number is 0207 219 4530. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Jim Dobbin MP
Letter to Gillian Merron
Gillian Merron MP
Department of Health
20 October 2009
Dear Gillian,
I would like to thank you on behalf of the APPGITA for your visit to the Oldham tranquilliser clinic and for the encouragement you gave to the patients and staff. I would like to meet with you to discuss the current review of Department of Health policy on addiction to prescription drugs. Involuntary tranquilliser addiction is a large part of the subject matter under review. This APPG was set up to deal specifically with the problem of ITA and we have access to experience and expertise on this subject.
Our campaign has been for specialist withdrawal clinics and services to be provided to deal with this problem and provide people with the opportunity to become drug free. I would like to be consulted at the political level on this subject and to be included in all consultations.
Kind Regards,
Jim Dobbin MP.
c.c.Phil Woolas MP.